709-218-7927 The Landfall Garden House 60 Canon Bayley Road CANADA A0C 1B0 |
A collection of papers/pages describing my efforts to surmount (sometimes esoteric) technical problems with computers and similar equipment.
Traps for Young Players
Turing and his Turing Machine
A Means Of Implementing “Undo” On GUI Forms
Résumé Fabricator
Using Notepad to Track Your Time
Exclude specific domains permanently from search results
Migrating From Office 2003 to Office 2013
The Excel Utility Function Library
The Word Utility Function Library
Harvesting Code
Disseminating Podcasts with FeedBurner
A Company is Known By the Data it Keeps
Security of Files
Proper Case and Camel Case
Single Instruction Computer
Advanced Query Syntax (AQS)
List Numbering for Word 2000 and later versions
Installing and Using a RAM Disk
Hardware Problems
Speed Tests - I record snapshots of speed tests.
Faxing - Not with the old grey Ricoh machine plugged into the telephone cable snaking from the wall.
Excel Tips - Use Excel like a professional
eBooks - Let’s create some, and put them up for sale. We might make our lunch money.
Color will speed up and enhance your delivery of Word documents and PowerPoint presentations.
Multiple Boots on One Computer - There's no need to recycle that old computer.
Password Generation - Here’s a solution to password generation
Speedup - what to do with your old laptop which is running pretty slowly
Embedded Images - manage the image-handling so that the user can’t corrupt the source images
Most-Recently Used (MRUse)
Document Conversion - 15 years experience with Document Conversion And Cleansing
Stain - Cleaning up a Workbook
System Recovery - Strategy for System Restore Points and System Recovery
Screen Shots - make semi-classy screenshots with a colored border
BackAll - A collection of DOS batch files capable of backing up all your networked machines to one or more external backup drives
Compressing Documents - Reducing the size of a Microsoft Word document file
What’s Wrong with My Document?
Using a Photograph as a Postcard
Calendar generates a 1-page monthly calendar for your business needs
Headers (and Footers)
Proje(ct manager)
What Went Wrong with the Mailing? (Mail Merge)
Build an Excel Library
Best Fit Algorithm (Minimize Wasted Space)
Subscribing to Podcasts
9 Times Out of 10
Table Functions in Microsoft Word
Styles in Microsoft Word
709-218-7927 CPRGreaves@gmail.com Bonavista, Thursday, December 24, 2020 3:41 PM Copyright © 1996-2020 Chris Greaves. All Rights Reserved. |