
The Landfall Garden House

60 Canon Bayley Road




Christopher Greaves

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My Inbox

I don’t know if this is spam, or if this is how Twitter works:-

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Who in the name of all that’s binary is John Clark?

And why would someone with twenty THOUSAND followers follow me?

Where am I going that someone that popular would hang on my every word?

Let’s be quite clear about this: I want followers, but only those of a certain class interest me.

An extreme example: If the president of {name of your major globally-recognized bank here} decides to follow me, my job is done. If the CEO of the Royal Bank of Canada starts following me, I need only one incoming phone call from the RBC and I can retire, right?

An extreme example: If half the people on the planet follow me, what good does that do me?

So I need a camp of followers, but I don’t need followers who follow for the sake of following.

Or robotic followers.

No, thanks.

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On the other hand, this is good. I know the Green Connections crowd, and I know (and have met, lunched or worked with) the three individuals mentioned here.

Monday, March 28, 2011

And now this:

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Now 1,000 followers is closer to my audience size, I think. Why is she following me? Was it something I said? Could be.

She is “an award-winning speaker for the Dale Carnegie Training organization” so maybe she has twigged onto something about the training pages on my new web site?

Let’s “Find out more about Rachel Bergeron on @ RachelGBergeron's profile page ”.

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Three things stand out here:

(1) When I ask who we have in common as followers or followees, I find we have nothing in common. Clearly Rachel isn’t aware of me because she follows someone I revere.

(2) Rachel has issued only 1 tweet; how do you get 1,000 followers with just 1 tweet? (There’s a free lunch with me at The Montreal Deli if you come up with a good answer)

(3) Rachel has a body I’d have died for. Forty years ago. But not today, thanks. I’m on the prowl for brains. But if I were a teenage male I’d want to get involved, for sure.

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Now to my mind this is a healthy tweeter to follow.

Disclaimer: I spoke by phone with the real person this afternoon; we have much in common, exchanged a few emails, then hooked up on Twitter)

Note the ratio of Following to Followers. 350:115 or roughly 2:1.

To me that seems realistic, although I’m still struggling to understand how someone can “listen” to 115 people.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Then there are some really good days:

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Thompson Publishing?

“Since 1972, thousands of professionals in business, government, law and academia have relied on Thompson Publishing Group for the most authoritative, timely and practical guidance available. Throughout the years, these professionals have to come to rely on us for help in tracking, and complying with, the dynamic regulatory mandates facing their organizations in a variety of areas. These areas include:

And they are following me?

Time to raise the standard of my tweets!

Please see also: Choosing Who I Follow

709-218-7927 CPRGreaves@gmail.com

Bonavista, Thursday, December 17, 2020 7:30 AM

Copyright © 1996-2020 Chris Greaves. All Rights Reserved.