
The Landfall Garden House

60 Canon Bayley Road




Christopher Greaves

Ball-Point Pens

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Typical mug on a desk, dozens of pens which often enough don't work.

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Here they are laid out, over three dozen of them.

I haven't shown you the piece of paper with scribbles where we try to find a pen that works. When we find it, we use it, but replace all the non-working pens into the mug. You never know, some of them might work next time ...

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I sorted the pens into categories. I was particularly interested in re-using the small springs from the spring-loaded pens.

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I extracted the thin plastic ink-tubes and loaded them into a jam-jar part-filled with gasoline, shook it, and left it for a week.

The gasoline will loosen the ink.

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A thin piece of (plastic-coated) wire serves as an interior cleaner.

Here you can see it is partway down a tube, dislodging the remainder of the ink from the far end.

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Some ink/gasoline adheres to the wire. You can rub this off under a hot tap.

I hold each tube for a second or two under a hot tap to flush out any loose liquid.

My goal in cleaning out ink is to avoid huge splodges of goop in what follows.

7092187927 CPRGreaves@gmail.com

Bonavista, Friday, November 27, 2020 8:20 PM

Copyright © 1996-2020 Chris Greaves. All Rights Reserved.