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Application Videos available
Color Learn how easy it is to color Characters, Words, Sentences and Paragraphs
How to choose the set of colors used in your document
Advanced methods of color selection
Proje Learn how easy it is to re-indent your code
Document your program code
Sort your procedures within each module
Harvest VBA code from your hard drive
Locate VBA code anywhere on your hard drive
Build a cross-reference array of your project
Remove un-referenced identifiers
Calendar Learn how easy it is to Create a Calendar
Change the appearance of your calendar
Change the number of days in a week
Change the starting day and language
Excel Spider Charts There are 13 videos loaded under the heading "Excel Spider Charts". Please click on " Excel Spider Charts " for a text summary of what is available. There is nothing special about spider ("radar") charts; I could have used bar charts, line charts, pie charts. The videos show a variety of tasks implemented on mouse clicks throughout the chart. There is nothing special about the actions I have chosen; they tend to be oriented to changing the appearance of the charts. They could as easily be "Launch a browser", "Fire off an email" or "Start a real-time analysis of 4,500 TSX companies using financial statements from Google Finance". The number of events that can be trapped is not infinite, but it is bigger than anything any client could dream up. We can detect a mouse click, and the 8 possible combinations of Shift/Ctrl/Alt. We can detect a click on an object, and since we can read off the x-y coordinates of the mouse, we can calculate our position within any suitable large object. There is nothing special about dividing the legend block (or chart area or plot area) into 2x2=4 quadrants; they could as easily be divided into 3x3, 2x3, 4x5 etc providing the areas are large enough for the user. My biggest hurdle with the client will be getting them to dream up actions that they want to take; they will be using Excel as a presentation medium.
Camt_001 Toggling Data Series with various mouse-click/keyboard combinations.
Camt_002 Toggling Data Series with various mouse-click/keyboard combinations.
Camt_003 Clicking a Data Point (1m 16s)
Camt_004 Click on a Category (Radar Axis) Label (2m 5s)
Camt_005 Click on an Axis (1m 34s)
Camt_006 Click on a Major Gridline (om 59s)
Camt_007 Legend Quadrants (1m 36s)
Camt_008 Legend Entries (2m 43s)
Camt_009 Legend Key (1m 51s)
Camt_010 Chart Area (2m 51s)
Camt_011 Chart Title (0m 51s)
Camt_012 Plot Area (1m 42s)
Camt_013 It's PlayBack time! (1m 42s)
Legacy Workbooks Learn how to use the STAIN utility application to speed up your work in adopting orphaned workbooks.
STAIN_001 Learn how to save a new version of the workbook, how to STAIN cells with formulae, simple range name macros
STAIN_002 Learn how to delete all range names related to a single cell or a set of cells. List all range names. Make a set of range names. WhatIsMyRangeName? On a single cell. Making names unique by using a collection of string labels.
STAIN_003 Smart range name creation. Dumping lists of range names to the worksheet and to the clipboard.
STAIN_004 Loading the range names retrospectively into cell formulae.
STAIN_005 Deleting empty columns and rows. Identifying unused range names.


Toronto and Mississauga, Friday, April 02, 2010 7:17 PM

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