709-218-7927 The Landfall Garden House 60 Canon Bayley Road CANADA A0C 1B0 |
Vermicomposting in the cold-climate apartment – Vermicastings
July 15, 2006
Vermicastings are an all purpose natural soil amendment that is pure earthworm castings! It is 100% non-toxic and odorless. Moreover, these castings are also rich in vitamins, beneficial microorganisms, antibiotics and enzymes.
Vermicastings are excreted from Red Wriggler worms, thriving in a vermicomposter bin used in a domestic setting.
- Input to the bin are kitchen and paper scraps.
- Bacteria digest the kitchen and paper scraps.
- The Red Wriggler worms digest the bacteria.
- The scraps are completely digested; no trace of their origin remains.
Vermicastings are nutrient-rich and stable micro-manure for your houseplants.
Apply about one tablespoon per plant per month, and observe the benefits as the castings slowly release their goodness to your houseplant’s roots.
You will notice some non-degraded material, such as the plastic from torn window envelopes, and undigested paper scraps in your Vermicastings. These are harmless and can safely be left in the casting mix.
Although we have attempted to remove all the worms from the castings, we may have let a couple pass through; do not fear. These worms can not eat your houseplants – they eat ONLY bacteria, and so living plant matter does not attract them.
Undoubtedly some worm eggs are in your Vermicastings. Again, do not be alarmed. In a large houseplant container these will set up a small but thriving colony and continue to digest any remaining dead material while aerating your soil!
More information can be obtained at http://www.chrisgreaves.com/SUFEIndex.htm
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Bonavista, Wednesday, June 03, 2020 11:38 AM
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