
The Landfall Garden House

60 Canon Bayley Road

Bonavista, Newfoundland




Christopher Greaves


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I assign this cute trick to the Shift-Ctrl-8 keyboard shortcut.

It flip-flops between showing everything that's going on in my document, to showing nothing but pristine text and graphics.

Public Sub ToggleShowAll()


''' Function: ToggleShowAll


''' Comments: Use the current "Show Fields" setting (True or False) to toggle all visibility settings.


''' Arguments: None.


''' Returns: None


''' Date Developer Action

''' --------------------------------------------------------------------------

''' 2006/03/21 Chris Greaves Created


''' The setting ShowFieldCodes will be used to control the settings of ShowFieldCodes, ShowAll , ShowFieldCodes , ShowHiddenText , ShowTabs , ShowSpaces , ShowParagraphs and ShowBookmarks.

''' All flags will be set to the opposite of the current setting of ShowFieldCodes.

''' If ShowFieldCodes is ON, all flags will be set OFF.

''' If ShowFieldCodes is OFF, all flags will be set ON.

''' The new setting will be saved as the key "Show All" in the Application Environment file.

If Documents.Count > 0 Then

Dim boolSet As Boolean

boolSet = Not ActiveWindow.View.ShowFieldCodes

With ActiveWindow.View

.ShowAll = boolSet

.ShowFieldCodes = boolSet

.ShowHiddenText = boolSet

.ShowTabs = boolSet

.ShowSpaces = boolSet

.ShowParagraphs = boolSet

.ShowBookmarks = boolSet

End With

Dim strSet As String

If boolSet Then

strSet = "Y"


strSet = "N"

End If


End If

End Sub

709-218-7927 CPRGreaves@gmail.com

Bonavista, Sunday, December 08, 2024 9:33 AM

Copyright © 1990-2024 Chris Greaves. All Rights Reserved.