
The Landfall Garden House

60 Canon Bayley Road

Bonavista, Newfoundland




Christopher Greaves

Mark Duplicated Words

Monday, August 8, 2011

If you'd like an easy way to improve your writing style, try this lengthy-looking macro and function.

It examines each sentence in your document looking for repeated words.

A string "strDismiss" is set up to avoid reporting words which I think are allowed to be repeated.

Repeated words are flagged with Microsoft Word's character style "Strong", so you may want to modify that in your Normal.dot to be bright pink, 16 point, or whatever.

Don't forget that you can clear all local formatting with Ctrl-A followed by Ctrl-Space.

Public strDismiss As String

Sub MarkDuplicatedWords()

strDismiss = vbTab & "for" & vbTab & "and" & vbTab & "that" & vbTab & "," & vbTab & "." & vbTab & "to" & vbTab

strDismiss = strDismiss & "http" & vbTab & "://" & vbTab & "www" & vbTab & "com" & vbTab & "/" & vbTab & "the" & vbTab

strDismiss = strDismiss & "a" & vbTab & "of" & vbTab & "www" & vbTab & "com" & vbTab & "/" & vbTab & "the" & vbTab

strDismiss = strDismiss & """" & vbTab & "of" & vbTab & "www" & vbTab & "com" & vbTab & "/" & vbTab & "the" & vbTab

Dim prg As Paragraph

For Each prg In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs

Dim snt As Range

For Each snt In prg.Range.Sentences

If lngCountDuplicatedWords(snt, strDismiss, ActiveDocument.Styles("Strong")) > 0 Then


End If

Next snt

Next prg

End Sub

Function lngCountDuplicatedWords(rng As Range, strDismiss As String, sty As Style)

Dim lngResult As Long

Dim strSentence As String

strSentence = vbTab

Dim wd As Range

For Each wd In rng.Words

Dim strWord As String

strWord = Trim(wd.Text)

If InStr(1, strDismiss, vbTab & strWord & vbTab) > 0 Then ' we can ignore this word


If InStr(1, strSentence, vbTab & strWord & vbTab) > 0 Then

lngResult = lngResult + 1

wd.Style = sty


strSentence = strSentence & strWord & vbTab

End If

End If

Next wd

lngCountDuplicatedWords = lngResult

End Function

709-218-7927 CPRGreaves@gmail.com

Bonavista, Sunday, December 08, 2024 9:33 AM

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