
The Landfall Garden House

60 Canon Bayley Road

Bonavista, Newfoundland




Christopher Greaves


On my trip to Poissy in 2016 I encountered bedbugs . I believe that bedbugs are available in every major town, let alone city, that hosts an international traveler. Get used to it.

Now getting used to bed bugs does not mean tolerating bedbugs, in your home, or in a hotel room that you have paid for.

Current articles have advice to be on the lookout and to be careful, for example “on arrival place ALL your luggage in the bathtub”, and ALL here means “including your wallet and your purse and shoulder bag and …

Immediately inspect the box-spring and mattress for stains, and check out immediately you find such stains. Going to a different room isn’t going to help if you plan on using the hotels restaurant or gym facilities.

Registering a complaint with the local health or municipal authority can be quite rewarding, as I discovered.

Here is a link to an article I read today, Tuesday, October 17, 2023.


Christopher Greaves gettyimages-86523965.jpg

And here is a photo borrowed from that news article.

Note that the suitcase is NOT on the bed. A good measure of security.

Note that the suitcase lid IS on the bed.

Now how many bedbugs have you encountered that say to each other “Oh, that’s just the lid; let’s not go there”?

And how does a reporter include such a photo in such an article?

My advice: Be leery of advice from CNN!

(Later from Oct. 17, 2023) a CTV report “ Video of bed bug seen crawling across TTC seat goes viral ” is what I would expect from Toronto. Back in 2016 I collected a couple of dozen bedbugs from my hotel bed and carried them in an envelope in my shirt pocket to the town hall.

Nothing to stop me collecting a couple of bedbugs from my apartment, stash them in an envelope, leap on a TTC subway train, turn them loose and take a video. Immediate Views on YouTube.com. Way to go!

The truth would be that bed bugs have been seen on a TTC train.

The real truth would be that bedbugs had a staged performance on the TTC.

Bewrae of everything you see or read on social media.

709-218-7927 CPRGreaves@gmail.com

Bonavista, Tuesday, October 24, 2023 5:40 PM

Copyright © 1990-2023 Chris Greaves. All Rights Reserved.