
The Landfall Garden House

60 Canon Bayley Road

Bonavista, Newfoundland




Christopher Greaves

Poor Weather Conditions And Bad Roads

Monday, December 29, 2008


“Poor weather conditions and bad roads were contributing factors. Police say alcohol was also a contributing factor.”

This is not about the tragedy that has struck several families. That is real, and painful too.

This is about the erosion of responsibility through the propagation of lies.

Poor weather conditions have never, not ever, caused an collision.

Bad roads have never, not ever, caused an collision.

The proof is simple.

Collisions occur ONLY when we put drivers behind wheels.

There have been many thousands of kilometers of roads in Ontario (and elsewhere) this past week, with nary a collision.

Collisions occur ONLY when drivers and vehicles are involved.

For as long as drivers are allowed to hide behind the lie that Poor Weather is to blame, drivers will be allowed to avoid the truth, and that is, that drivers had not made allowances for Poor Weather.

For as long as drivers are allowed to hide behind the lie that Bad Roads are to blame, drivers will be allowed to avoid the truth, and that is, that drivers had not made allowances for the Bad Roads.

Here’s the truth: When the weather is poor, or visibility is reduced, or roads are bad, a sane driver needs to take this into account and stay home, slow down, reduce distractions, assume every other driver is out to kill them, or whatever it takes. But it is ALL in the hands of the drivers.

I feel sorry for the weather.

Really I do.

It always seems to take the blame.

Poor weather.

709-218-7927 CPRGreaves@gmail.com

Bonavista, Friday, December 20, 2024 5:01 PM

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