
The Landfall Garden House

60 Canon Bayley Road

Bonavista, Newfoundland




Christopher Greaves

Have Machines Taken Over Your Life?

I sit at my study desk slaving away over something inconsequential, and the smart phone sounds its alarm. I push back from my desk and head into the laundry, where I press the Pause button on the washing machine.

Should I be worried?

There are far too many news stories, sometimes described as “Opinion” that trumpet the danger that our machines, especially our Turing Machines have begun to govern us; that they have turned us into zombies obeying a Master Intelligence.

Someone watching me this morning might have thought so.

The smart (hah hah!) phone beeps, and Pavolovian-like I rise and tap Pause on a second machine.

Technically minded folks will want to ask why the washing machine isn’t programmed to pause (and soak) after twelve minutes. That’s because the folks who designed the Turing Machine within the washing machine either didn’t think of it, or else had too little cash left in the budget.

But look again: There are indeed two Turing Machines here, and there is a Master Intelligence.

I am that Master Intelligence!

It is I who made a rational decision to pause the washing machine after twelve minutes, so that the load of laundry could soak in a weak solution of detergent for Twenty-four hours. Mt Crosby, out chemistry teacher taught us that water is the universal solvent. And Mr. Puzey, out physics teacher, taught us that all we have is Time and Space.

My two Turing Machines are designed by humans with brains like mine, and I decided that I would pause the washing machine after twelve minutes. It is my brain that is in control.

And I am not worried at all. I enjoy using my two little slaves.

709-218-7927 CPRGreaves@gmail.com

Bonavista, Monday, November 27, 2023 4:43 PM

Copyright © 1990-2023 Chris Greaves. All Rights Reserved.