709-218-7927 The Landfall Garden House 60 Canon Bayley Road Bonavista, Newfoundland CANADA A0C 1B0 |
Growing Up - Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Yet another sad article ( Toronto Star ) about under-age death-dealing.
Sad because it is unnecessary.
Sad too for the people immediately involved.
The "age" question is raised (driving, alcohol, voting, guns etc.) because "Management Measures" is an extremely good dictum for business and corporate entities such as governing bodies. "Quantify …" we were told, "… with numbers, dates, locations and logical values".
All very valid in business, but young people still do their bit for Darwinism.
Define "Young".
Go on!
I defy you to define "Young" in any way that will be compatible with human life today.
I promise you that if you quantify “young” in years, you will be doomed.
You will include those who ought not to be classified as young, and you will fail to include those who ought to be classified as young.
Now try this: Let's define Adulthood (driving, alcohol, voting, guns etc.) as the point at which you have proved to yourself and society that you can stand on your own two feet.
Adulthood then means that you are renting private accommodation, and are living separately from your immediate relatives.
Adulthood means that you are gainfully and legally employed to earn the currency to pay your rent and essential living expenses.
Adulthood means that you are providing your own transport and food and walking this planet under your own steam.
Yes I know that Kristina will get a handout, and Chris will be helped over a difficult time, and we'll cut a break for Tony because he is trying so hard, but even if Scott pays his electricity bill with money passed on to him by Dad, he will at least be doing some of the things (writing a non-bouncing cheque on time) that Real Adults do, so he will have an inkling of what it is all about.
Until such a time as a human has proved its ability to be self-supporting, then it will be defined as being dependant on parents.
And if that's the case, deal with the parents, not their kids.
At least their parents understand about courts and penalties.
709-218-7927 CPRGreaves@gmail.com Bonavista, Friday, December 20, 2024 5:05 PM Copyright © 1990-2024 Chris Greaves. All Rights Reserved. |